A Prayer That Always Works!
An Instant Prayer For Love, Money. Protection And Any Problems That You Have!
It doesn’t matter if you are a Christian, Catholic, Jewish, Muslim, any other religion or maybe a complete atheist,this prayer always works!
It doesn’t matter how chaotic your situation may seem, how desperate you may feel, it doesn’t even matter what your situation is –this prayer always works!
Money Issues? No Problems!
Solve Any Love Problems Now!
Your Well-Being Is Renewed Too!
What Can It Do For You?
- Micaculously solve all your love life problems of any kind, any time, any place, during any situation, no matter how deep and hurtful they are!
- Remove the roots of your problems related to all love issues
- Help you remove the interference between you and your ex, so you can either get back together, stay friends, or go separate ways…
- Help you find your true soul mate
- Help you attract people that you’ll love dating
- Help you become secure, glowing and view yourself as even more beautiful!
- Reconcile all failed relationships
- Prevent future failures of relationships
- Eliminate stalkers
- Attract people to have great passionate sex with
- Restore your love and sex Karma
- Prevent all future problems in love and sex departments
What Can You Use A Prayer That Always Works For?
Energy, Psychic & Protection
And So Much More!
Even if you already tried many other methods, tried going to church, tried numerous meditations and visualizations of all kinds, hiring psychic healers — and nothing happened –- then you can use a prayer that always works!
And even if you tried to resolve your issues for years and nothing worked – you can use a prayer that always works!
Meet Mornah Semiona - A Ho'oponopono Legend And A Prayer That Always Works Master!
Mornah Semiona
Meet the incredible Morrnah Simeona, a Hawaiian kahuna lapa’au (healer) who brought this prayer into the World.
Whether you have heard of a process called Ho’oponopono or not, it doesn’t matter.
What matters is that Ho’oponopono is a very powerful process of “outsourcing” your problems and Karma to Divine Creator to seek healing and reconciliation.
Put it this way: Ho’oponopono is a great process which can be used to simply make problems disappear.
In 1976, Morrnah began to modify the traditional Hawaiian forgiveness and reconciliation process of Ho’oponopono to suit the realities of the modern day life.
Her version of Ho’oponopono was influenced by her Christian (Protestant and Catholic) education and her philosophical studies about India, China and Edgar Cayce.
The combination of Hawaiian traditions, praying to the Divine Creator, and connecting problems with Reincarnation and Karma resulted in a unique new problem solving process, that was self-help rather than the traditional Hawaiian group process.
As a result of many decades of Morrnah’s work, several extremely powerful prayers came out. These prayers can be used by any individuals who want to change their lives for the better, achieve peace and happiness and achieve their goals in life.
And there is one very powerful prayer that stands out…
And there is one very powerful prayer that stands out…
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How Does A Prayer That Always Works Work And Why?
Why And How Does This Prayer Work?
In reality, it is very hard to answer this question. The mystic world is something that the conscious mind has a very hard time explaining.
For now, I invite you to remove your conscious mind and simply become open minded for several moments.
let’s take a look why most prayers fail…
In Western Psychology, we know that conscious, subconscious and super conscious minds exist. And they are all treated as one part of the individual.
In Huna, the Hawaiian mystic tradition, we also know that the conscious mind, subconscious mind and super conscious minds exist, but they are treated as separate beings.
Because conscious mind (called Uhane), subconscious mind ( called Ku, Unihipili, or inner child,) and higher self (Aumakua) are separate beings, they have their own agendas, which are very often also separate.
Let’s take a quick look at these agendas:
Uhane’s primary roles are to reason and to speak. This is also what is called ego.
Ku’s role is to control functioning, involuntary muscles, all senses, dreams, feelings and emotions. What Western Psychology fails to tell us is that Ku has, what Kahunas call, Aka Cords.
These cords can easily connect to other individuals, places, past, present, future, Spirits, parents, ancestors, energy fields and the list can go on and on.
That’s why you may experience phenomena like déjà vu, psychic sensations, prophetic dreams, feelings that “something is wrong”, or intuitive feelings like “it will be great”…
Aumakua’s role is to deliver the benefits requested by Ku, connect with other Aumakuas, connect to the Divine force and assist in life.
But… This is what’s very important:
Notice that Aumakua’s role is to rain down the benefits requested by Ku. In other words, Aumakua does NOT listen to your Uhane (conscious mind).
So, when you say “I want more money, a new car, a better job and that special person,” it usually matters very little to Ku and Aumakua.
These parts of the three selves can sort of “laugh” at your conscious requests and say something like: “That’s great, there is nothing wrong with wanting something”.
Since Ku is your subconscious mind and Aumakua listens to Ku, then we can easily say that our lives are built by hidden agendas of the subconscious mind.
WARNING: Subconscious Has A Hidden Agenda And This Is Why You Have Problems:
Subconscious mind does not have the same reasoning as conscious mind. There is a reason why it is called inner child. It is, in fact, like a child.
The only question is: is your inner child happy or in pain?
If your inner child is happy, then you can be assured that you live a very happy prosperous life.
On the contrary, if your inner child is in pain, then these pains can be easily manifested into a visible, tangible reality.
For example: poor health, poverty, hate, failed relationships, shame, blame, obstacles, bad luck and the list can go on and on…
Remember: our lives are built on the hidden agendas of the subconscious mind. And since subconscious mind is SUBconscious, you are almost always completely unaware of it’s agenda, pain, goals and connections.
Now, since subconscious mind has it’s own “reasoning”, it is very hard for conscious mind to understand such reasoning.
This Is How Your Dreams Get Destroyed:
For example… Let’s just take a very simple, very common example:
Let’s just say someone failed in business in the past…
As you know, deep inside, such a person will feel anxiety to start a new business again.
This person will also have loads of doubts about whether or not they will be successful again, and will be too cautious when it comes to doing business again. These are just a very few things that come into conscious awareness…
But also, consciously, logically speaking, starting a new business should be a even easier than before!
Come on, consciously speaking, the person is fully capable, already has prior knowledge of the business and knows what to do NOT to fail, can use past experience to make a business even more profitable and easily acquire new information for greater success.
All they consciously have to do is follow instructions.
As you know, it doesn’t work this way. Why? Because now, there is what’s called a subconscious block (in this case, most likely, a hidden fear of failure) that is there despite all the conscious reasons that “it should be ok”.
So, let’s assume the person gets inspired one day to restart the business again.
Since Aumakua listens to Ku only, do you think that Ku will send out a request to restart the new business successfully? Of course not!
Ku already learned the pain of failure and it has its own “logic” which goes something like this:
“Business leads to failure. Failure leads to pain. Having a business means to be in pain.”
And then, Ku can send out the request to Aumakua to avoid owning any businesses at all costs!
So, despite all the conscious efforts to start a new business, the person will be on a pretty sure road to failure. And when they fail at it again, they will say: “I knew it! Deep inside, I knew I’d fail!”.
And at that point, they distance themselves even further from owning a successful business. All because subconscious mind says “business is pain”.
This was just a very brief example.
By the way, the same deal applies to relationships, money, health and everything you can imagine!
How Your Dreams Get Detroyed But Prayers Help!
For example… Let’s just take a very simple, very common example:
Let’s just say someone failed in business in the past…
As you know, deep inside, such a person will feel anxiety to start a new business again.
This person will also have loads of doubts about whether or not they will be successful again, and will be too cautious when it comes to doing business again. These are just a very few things that come into conscious awareness…
But also, consciously, logically speaking, starting a new business should be a even easier than before!
Come on, consciously speaking, the person is fully capable, already has prior knowledge of the business and knows what to do NOT to fail, can use past experience to make a business even more profitable and easily acquire new information for greater success.
All they consciously have to do is follow instructions.
As you know, it doesn’t work this way. Why? Because now, there is what’s called a subconscious block (in this case, most likely, a hidden fear of failure) that is there despite all the conscious reasons that “it should be ok”.
So, let’s assume the person gets inspired one day to restart the business again.
Since Aumakua listens to Ku only, do you think that Ku will send out a request to restart the new business successfully? Of course not!
Ku already learned the pain of failure and it has its own “logic” which goes something like this:
“Business leads to failure. Failure leads to pain. Having a business means to be in pain.”
And then, Ku can send out the request to Aumakua to avoid owning any businesses at all costs!
So, despite all the conscious efforts to start a new business, the person will be on a pretty sure road to failure. And when they fail at it again, they will say: “I knew it! Deep inside, I knew I’d fail!”.
And at that point, they distance themselves even further from owning a successful business. All because subconscious mind says “business is pain”.
This was just a very brief example.
By the way, the same deal applies to relationships, money, health and everything you can imagine!
How 98% Of People Get Trapped!
How 98% Of People Get Trapped:
What does a typical person do to resolve the issue?
A typical person usually does the following things:
Ignores subconscious blocks and proceeds anyways. (OFTEN, BIG MISTAKE!)
Tries hypnosis to “force” the subconscious. (OFTEN, HUGE MISTAKE!)
Repeats hundreds of affirmations daily. (USUALLY, LOW EFFECT TACTIC)
Abandons goals and dreams, accepts current reality and defeat. (No comment…)
But the typical person is not aware of a magical prayer that, well… always works.
To Cause Manifestation At Will, You Better Have All 3 Parts Of Yourself Wanting The Same Thing! Or else…
What makes A Prayer That Always Works different is that it addresses all 3 Selves (Uhane, Unihipili and Aumakua) to “work” on delivering the request AND it addresses a direct connection to God (or Universe)!
It’s like having all 3 selves completely agreeing on delivering the request!
It’s like having the whole Universe conspire to give you what you desire!
And this is how it can work with the scenario we mentioned above:
Remember the person who failed at business?
Let’s say this person wants to start a business again. Consciously, they have a desire. Subconsciously, there is a hidden fear.
We don’t know and we don’t have to know what caused the first failure at business, because we are using A Prayer That Always Works.
So, the person uses A Prayer That Always Works and now the Universe can do the following:
Eliminate the root of original failure to protect against future failures
Eliminate emotional attachments to a failure so the person feels great about starting a new business
Remove trillions of bits of other hidden negative information associated with this situation
Cleanse the person’s energy fields, aura and chakras
Send motivation, inspiration and courage to the person
Attract perfect business location, money, clients, partners…
Grow the business with lightning speed!
It even automatically removes past-life, Karmic and ancestral issues too!
And if there is a Spirit interfering, that is taken care of too!
And the next thing you know, that same person is super happy running their super profitable business again, making even more money than they did originally!
And they don’t even know how it happened. It’s like magically everything just got resolved so quick!
Not to mention, a lot of their problems are now gone too because usually,
one problem serves as a root for another problem!
Requirement For A Prayer That Always Works To Work:
Requirements For A Prayer That Always Works To Work:
Let’s Look At Case Studies:
Case Study: Removal of ex’s lingering energies…
After a devastating break up from a relationship, I was never the same. It seemed like life lost a big part of its meaning. It seemed like parts of me were torn apart. For many years I lived in emotional pain. I thought that there was no way to be the same again. It lasted somewhere between 3 to 4 years.
I’ve tried counseling. I tried NLP. I tried hypnosis. I tried dating. Nothing seemed to truly work. Sure, sometimes I would get better, but then it wouldn’t take long for memories to haunt me again.
It was like a vicious cycle. It seemed like for every 2 steps forward, I have to take 5 back against my will.
I finally decided to use A Prayer That Always Works.
This is what happened after I used it. In less than a week, I went to my friend’s house who is a coach. He decided to help me with the issue. He quickly discovered that my conscious mind and Higher Self are still “cross wired” with the energy fields of my ex. It took about 15 minutes to remove the “wires”.
I finally was able to become me again!
And this is how it works sometimes. I noticed that when you use A Prayer That Always Works, the right people show up at right times. It happens very quickly.
Sometimes you see that person only once, when they help you with your problem. And sometimes you become friends with them.
However, like in the next case, and more often than not, problems just disappear on their own! Read on…
Case Study!
Case Study: From poverty to financial comfort – fast!
Failure with an ex quickly lead to pessimism. And sure enough, it lead to failure in a small business which I had.
For many years I lived in poverty. Money was hard to get. My parents were supporting me. To be very honest, it felt embarrassing.
Don’t get me wrong, I really tried to make money and tried hard. But all it resulted in was not being hired when applying for jobs, or getting very miserable jobs, or failing at business whenever I was trying self-employment. In other words, I was still broke.
I started using A Prayer That Always Works.
Somehow, very quickly, I started opening websites and they started to become very successful. I was spending zero dollars on advertising, yet I was and am still able to get more clients than I can handle!
I even wrote an eBook called “Marketing For Coaches” to teach others how to have a lot of clients and a big business.
And most importantly, people LOVE what I sell because it truly helps THEM!
I think it has a lot to do with A Prayer That Always Works. I feel like Divine is simply guiding me, helping me to create unique products that truly benefit humanity. I feel like Divine is guiding me when websites are being created too.
I love website design and Internet marketing. I feel like Divine matched my passions and uses it as my money vehicle.
And as a result, money manifests on autopilot! I seriously don’t even like telling others how too fast and too easy money manifests, because it is hard to believe.
And that’s ok. What I do is comfortably work in silence, doing what I love, helping those who seek the help I am able to offer.
All I can add is that I live very comfortably in a nice house near the lake, I finally have money and am able to do what I love doing. And I know for sure that much more is coming! This is just the beginning!
Case Study: Elimination of total chaos…
And then…
On Monday of March 25th, 2013, at around 10:30 AM, when I was by one of the lakes in Alabama, I received Divine guidance to publish this product which teaches people how to use A Prayer That Always Works.
All I am doing now is following Divine guidance, building this same website you are looking at and publishing A Prayer That Always Works.
I certainly feel that you are on this website NOT by accident!
When You Use A Prayer That Always Works, You Get Energy Shifts
In Real Time!
A Message From Master PlutoCraft
A Message From Yevgeniy:
Look, this is what I truly learned: you can spend years of time and tons of money trying to find a solution to the problem and still not be able to find it OR you can use A Prayer That Always Works and more often than not – have the problem mysteriously disappear, having a true miracle appearing simultaneously!
Seriously, stop trying to solve all the chaos by yourself. There is a much more powerful, much wiser, much stronger force out there than all your problems and enemies combined!
This force is waiting for your call. It does not interfere, like evil forces do. You have to ask it for help!
Be smart – outsource your problems! Don’t play games with evil.
Who knows what the cause of your problem is?
Who knows why it happens?
Who knows which ancestor’s Karma it may be?
It simply doesn’t matter! Don’t engage into why’s and how’s. It can drive you crazy.
There is no need to try to figure it out.
All you have to do is get in silence where nobody will be able to disturb you and read A Prayer That Always Works!
And then, watch the problem disappear.
And then, watch your reactions and memories of the problem disappear.
Let Divine Creator deliver true miracles to you.
Let Divine creator clear your Karma.
Let Divine Creator bring true joy, abundance, love and happiness into your life!
Let Divine Creator guide you to follow your life purpose, provide you wisdom, showering you in peace and abundance in all life arenas.
Allow yourself to have that Divine glow to shine through you!
Just Use A Prayer That Always Works!
A Prayer That Always Works has 5-star rating from reviews!
And In The eBook, I will Talk To You About:
- How to attract miracles
- Different forms of interferences and how to remove them
- Why and how this prayer works in deeper details
- How to remove past life interference
- How to remove ancestral interference
- How to clear your Karma
- How to clear ancestral Karma
- How to clear generational curses
- How magnetic forces work
- How to counteract negative effects of Astrological influences
- What to do about evil eye and jealous people
- How to heal your wounded Inner Child
- How to harness the power of your
- Astrological Archetype
- The remedy against “feeling stuck”
- How to easily attract what you desire
- Getting ex back or letting go
- Concept of 100% responsibility for enormous self power
- How to CORRECTLY pray for other peopleHow to have GUARANTEED SUCCESS
- Erasing bad memories
- How to WIN over your problems starting right now
… and so much more!
Forget “Regular Ways” To Solve Your Problems:
- No more tapping
- No more hypnosis
- No more looking in the mirror repeating affirmations
- No more visualizations
- No more putting in effort
- No more over thinking
- No more over-analyzing
- No more stress
- No more pushing!
- And most importantly, no more giving up!!!
A Prayer That Always Works - Finally!
REMEMBER: Whenever you have a problem or want to attract something, or someone, use A Prayer That Always Works!
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of A Prayer That Always Works, we are here to help!Just contact us at help@aprayerthatalwaysworks.com and
let us know what you need.
A Prayer That Always Works was discovered and published by Master PlutoCraft in 2012.
Master PlutoCraft is a Certified Advanced Ho’oponopono Practitioner and certified Life Coach.
Based in USA and traveling the World, Master PlutoCraft explores the most hidden mysteries and delivers his discoveries to people. He is also a Metaphysical Practitioner and founder of PlutoCraft in 2010.
Contact Info (USA & Europe)
PO Box 145, Plain, WI 53577
+380667074639 (WhatsApp, Telegram)
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